Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Melissa's New Look

Melissa is one of my favourite models and one of the first I had ever worked with. We've worked together for over 3 years now and have done some really fun and interesting shoots from flash-shadows outside a football stadium to wondering around a closed fairground. I sometimes wonder why Melissa has shot with me some many times as she often ends up cold and tired but with some lovely photos. 

Unfortunately Melissa has been quite ill lately and when she felt better she shaved her head for charity and as we hadn't shot together for several months, I leapt at the chance to be the first photographer to shoot her with her new look. I think it really suits her and her alternative beauty look. Although we only managed to shoot for about 3/4 of an hour, we really enjoyed catching up with each other and we got some really interesting images from the shoot.

Sunday, 12 April 2015


I forgot to post these early but the other week I was helping out at a friend's event called Densetsu in Gateshead. Since I was helping out, I didn't have a lot of time to take photos but I managed to get a few snaps of two of my favourite cosplayers Kovie Kixx and Kalila, which I thought I would post here. I usually prefer to meet people at conventions and arrange to shot them on location at a later date and I manage to make a few connections and I have a few cosplay shoots coming up that I am really looking forward too. Keep your eyes peeled.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

A Pint with Megan

Megan is a friend that I worked with at Audi but she's also a psychology student and the secretary of the Real Ale Society at Northumbria University. 

She asked me to take some photos for her at a pub for her dissertation on why more women are drinking ales. This was rather short notice but I thought it was a really interesting idea and I don't like to say no to people asking for my help unless I can't help it. After college, I borrowed some equipment, met up with Megan and we headed to the pub together. 

It was rather late and dark and the pub was quite busy so I had to rely on my speedlight and shot in the corner but I think we did rather a good job all things considered. I rather liked this photo so thought I would post it here to see what you guys think.