A few months ago, Jordan messaged me and asked if I fancied doing a shoot with him on that Friday afternoon. So I drove into Newcastle, picked him up, parked in Manors and we went for a wonder. Because he wasn't wearing any bright colours and the area we were shooting in was dominated by post war concrete architecture and because the weather was quite grey and miserable I decided to do the entire shoot just with my Nikon 7200 with a 50mm lens and a SB-700, for some of the darker shots in an old multi-story car park and abandoned shopping centre.
Considering how this shoot was quite vaguely planned I'm really pleased and a little surprised and how many great photos we left with. There's even a few that I am considered adding to my portfolio and exhibiting in London later this year.
I'm looking forward to working with Jordan again. I've just done a shoot with him and another male model in Newcastle and I've got a few themed ideas in mind for him which I am looking forward to planning.