Tuesday, 30 October 2018

My New Project: Cosplayers v2.0

Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't been updating my blog lately but quite a lot has happened recently. But I thought I should kick things off by announcing my new project.

If you've been reading my blog for a while you might already know that when I was at college, I had to create a photo-series on a topic that was close to my heart. I always loved cosplay and studio photography so I decided to create a series of portraits of cosplayers in their normal clothes and their favourite costumes.

I wanted to create a photo-series that focused on the people behind the costumes rather than trying to shoot them as their characters. I tried out a few ideas and decided that two studio portraits of the cosplayer in two different outfits worked best. 

Over the next month, I shot my series with about a dozen cosplayers at my college studio and I ended up with a good grade for the project. I was happy with the grade but I've always wanted to revisit the project to try to improve it. Now that I've left college and have my own studio, I've got the chance to do it!

But sadly my Nana: Pauline, passed away in May earlier this year. I took a break from photography to spend some time with my family right when I was trying to restart this series. Now I'm starting to get back to work and I thought it would be a good time to start this project and dedicate it to her memory. And since she had been a great supporter of children's charities, that it would be a good idea to make this a charity project.

I wasn't sure which charity to pick but eventually, I choose the Ronald McDonald Houses Charity. I picked the RMHC because a few years ago my little sister had to fly to Switzerland for an operation. My parents went with her but weren't able to stay in the hospital. Thankfully the RMHC was able to accommodate them next to the hospital so they could easily visit her. I know this might not seem like a big deal but I remember how much of a relief it was for them to know that they didn't have to worry about their accommodation when their focus was on their daughter. While my parents and sister were away, I stayed with my Nana and Grandad and I know she'd think that the RMHC is a great cause to support.

So now I'm rebooting this project, in memory of my Nana and I'd like to ask that each cosplayer who takes part to make a small donation to the RMHC from this page. Any extra donations would be greatly appreciated as well and I'll be making a few donations of my own throughout the project. 

I'm not really sure how this will go but if enough people get involved I'd love to get the images printed or even make them into a book or hold a small exhibition. I'm also thinking about doing a few spin-off shoots as well so fingers crossed this all goes well, as this is the first charity project that I've done by myself.

If you would like to donate to my project please feel free and if you would like to take part, the series will be shot at Trinity Photography Studio in Gateshead, UK. 

If you'd like to get in touch or get involved please email me at njdunnphotographer@gmail.com and check out NJDunnPhotography or Trinity Photography Studio on Facebook or Instagram for more examples of my work and please check out my justgiving.com/nicholasdunn18 page to donate.

Thank you for your time.

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